


abortivetermino other details
  • Seeking:
  • Ethnicity :
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  • Body Type:
    Extra Pounds
  • Smoker:
    430 Friendly
  • Drink:
    Not Stated
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  • My Match:
    I will tell you that later
  • About Me:

    I work full time near Johnson City and do photography on the side. I am a huge sports fan so that is nearly a must for any match of mine! I travel a lot on weekends for my photography as I normally photograph 8 NASCAR races per year and in the fall I spend a lot of Saturdays photographing ACC college football at places like Clemson, NC State, and Wake Forest.

    When I'm not working or out photographing an event I tend to be a homebody that likes to watch sports or Netflix. I bowl regularly in a league and also enjoy golf and disc golf. I love bluegrass music as I have several friends that play in Grammy nominated bands so I would love to have a lady that loves bluegrass or can at least tolerate it!

    What I’m looking for is a a great Christian lady who will support me and my dreams that also has a desire to have a lasting relationship that blossoms into a lifetime of wonderful memories and good times.
    I don't have any pets at this time but I really want a cat. I would love to have a Maine Coon cat!
    Photography, Bluegrass, Bowling, NASCAR, Football.
    Traveling to sporting events and sightseeing if time allows!
    Account Investigator for a credit card company
  • My Interests:
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