


berserkdetentio other details
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    I will tell you that later
  • About Me:

    My name is Chris. I am 28 age. I am full deaf with signs language. I can hear anything with wearing the cochlear implant on, but I can't understand the voice very well. I am gearhead. I love, love, love cars and trucks. I like to work on cars or trucks. I am automotive mechanic for 12 years. Now, I work for Five Star Ford as certified ASE automotive mechanic. I work 60 hours a week. I have full cars collection and I want more. Haha. I don't give up on myself for being a deaf person through a hearing world. I like to skateboarding in pool or on ramp.

    I like to play World of Warcraft game or go to Six Flags on my free time. I have my own truck. My favorite food is steak or beef, favorite drink is sweet tea, favorite colors are black, green, and blue, favorite hang out part is to be with you out on date nights, favorite relax place is to be with you cuddling and kissing often more while watch TV, favorite restaurant is Texas Roadhouse or Texas De Brazil, favorite public park is at Six Flags.

    I was ready to move into my own house for many times, but I am afraid to live alone because I can't hear fire alarm or security alarm when I am sleeping or taking a shower. I even cant wake up myself for to go to work. I want to stay with my parent for until I can find a lady who would want to spend her life with me. I am looking for a lady who would love me for the way who I am, who would accept me with my addiction, who would be there for me, who would want to have kids with me, and who would learn signs language for me.

    Of course. I want to start having date nights with a lady who would like to give her chance to go out with me first. I would like to take her out to eat, watch movie, play game, and more, to spend many days with me.
    Work on cars, play World of Warcraft game, traveling on vacation, watch movie, go to Six Flags, go to Main Event.
  • My Interests:
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