


noxiousshopper7 other details
  • Seeking:
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  • Income:
    Over 100K
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  • Smoker:
    Trying to Quit
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  • My Match:
    I will tell you that later
  • About Me:

    Heyo, I'm Jesse.
    I grew up in NJ and moved down here a few months ago.
    I'm a waiter working his way into the managerial world.
    Oldest of 6 kids.
    I'm a musician at heart and will always follow that, whether it be as a potential career or merely a means to stay sane.
    Also, I'm highly empathic and base many life-decisions on intuition. If you don't know what that means, I'd be happy to explain.
    I love exploring forests and shorelines.
    I'll never turn down a sushi date.
    Cuddling is one of my favorite passtimes.
    My violin and my dog are my babies.
    Puns are always the preferred form of communication.
    I sing more often than I speak.
    I hate how many times I've started a sentence with the word "I" in this description, but I guess it's part of telling you about me.
    I'm very, very family oriented.
    I look forward to having kids a little more than I look forward to finding a soulmate. I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing, but I know it's true.
    I want to travel the world, raise a family, and make people happy along the way.
    I keep my mind open and my heart even more open.
    I keep my heart on a leash, but not in a cage.
    I could write a thousand things that I "want in a woman" but the truth is...
    If I fall in love, I fall in love; Not with part of you, but with all of you.
    With that being said, I need someone with a huge heart, someone that feels life as intensely and thoroughly as I do, someone who will accept my help when I give it and will help me when I don't want it or when I don't think I need it, someone to make a family and a life with.
    Also, I won't turn down a healthy platonic friendship, especially since I'm new to the area. Just be sure to tell me what you're after cause I'll miss all of the hints.
    My Buttercup is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and she's my baby.
    Anywhere I can make music or sing my heart out.
    Spend time with family, take naps, explore, find new places to eat, exercise, and tv or gaming
    I grew up in a christian house. I don't practice religion much anymore, but I still have the same moral standard and similar belief system. Very spiritual.
    I grew up in a christian house. I don't practice religion much anymore, but I still have the same moral standard and similar belief system. Very spiritual.
  • My Interests:
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