


observantchief9 other details
  • Seeking:
  • Ethnicity :
  • Religion:
  • Marital Status:
  • Children:
  • Eye Color:
  • Income:
    Over 100K
  • Body Type:
  • Smoker:
  • Drink:
    Not Stated
  • Hair Color:
  • Employment:
  • Education:
    School of Life
  • My Match:
    I will tell you that later
  • About Me:

    I'm an incredibly laidback person, who loves the arts and works hard to make her goals and dreams a reality. I'm very independent, and am looking for someone who won't shy away from my sarcastic humor and blunt attitude. Somebody that can shoot that sarcasm right back, but still offer the affection and respect we both deserve... I'm known to be a little standoff-ish when meeting someone new. I've had to deal with heartbreak in the past, and can be a little slow to trust and open up because of this, but try not to take that to heart. This is a trait I'm working on, and gradually getting better at. I am also a pretty obvious introvert. I can play the extrovert for a while, but actively avoid larger crowds whenever possible - so clubbing and big parties are out of the question for me. However, I love to adventure and discover new places. I was born and raised country, and love nothing more than being in a saddle or exploring the woods, or even just going out for some target practice. I'm also a big homebody. My family takes priority over everything else. I'm the eldest of three, with two younger brothers that are just as independent and driven as I am. As a grad student, I'm often very busy. I major in Animation, specializing in 3D (I'm the one who makes the T-rex in Jurassic Park and makes her move) and special effects. I draw every chance I get, and work on projects throughout most of the day. Dating is a bit of a strange concept for me. I've been single for a few years now, and have grown accustomed to the lifestyle. But I'm beginning to feel like it might be time to reach out again, and let someone into my life...
    I'm a grad student at CCAD
  • My Interests:
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