


unequaledphobia other details
  • Seeking:
    Short Term
  • Ethnicity :
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  • Children:
  • Eye Color:
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  • Body Type:
    Not Stated
  • Smoker:
  • Drink:
    I'm a Drunk
  • Hair Color:
  • Employment:
    Full Time
  • Education:
    School of Life
  • My Match:
    I will tell you that later
  • About Me:

    I've lived in AZ for about a year now. I work in professional sports, which has taken me all over the country. I started in baseball and hockey, before finding my current role in professional motorsports. After moving multiple times in only a few years, I'm excited to be somewhere that I can settle in for the future.

    I'm always writing and putting my thoughts down in notebooks, scraps of paper, and post-its; it's been a habit since I was ten. I've been published a few times over the years in literary journals; some poetry, some short stories. Most recently, I've been contributing articles to a number of publications, both in Europe and the States. I place the greatest value on dissent. Humanity's at its most pure when dissidence is embraced.

    I tend to ramble and generally need someone to get me to stop talking, whether it's a polite ssh or whack to the head; either one is effective, most of the time. My ramblings do tend to have a point, I just need help getting to the end. If prompted, I can provide a list of topics to better prepare you for my daily soliloquy.

    My life goal is to be a published novelist. My hope is that my work will be life-altering for at least one person. Like most writers, I'm probably a little crazy, but I'm guessing that the red hair already gave that away.

    I majored in English at the University of Scranton. I was a competitive fencer for eight years and coached the fencing team while in school. I've taken a bit of a hiatus from the sport, but hope to get back into it soon.

    Breakfast dates are terribly underrated. It's the best meal of the day. It's fun. It gives you the whole day afterwards together. And it gives you a shot at two more dates with lunch and dinner. Nothing compares to breakfast.

    I believe that there is humor in everything, if we're just willing to look. I work when I have to and write when I can. Education never ceases and the world demands to be explored. Socks are meant to be colorful.
    Black Bear Diner, Rockbar, Black Rock Bouldering Gym, Phoenix Rock Gym, AZ on the Rocks (Any given weekend, really); I've only been in AZ for about a year, so always up for new places to try! (Lot of rocks in there, didn't notice that before!)
    I love to expand my world through literature and express my thoughts and ideas through writing. When I'm not at work or writing, I can be found in the gym or watching sports. I enjoy studying economics, political philosophy, and Irish History.
    Any chance to watch live sports, I'll take it, especially baseball and hockey. I love camping, hiking, museums, golfing, rock climbing, and anything I've never tried before. When all else fails, I'm happy to relax with a book or watch an old movie.
    Last read was Common Sense and the Rights of Man by Thomas Paine. Just began reading Marcus Aurelius' Meditations and the first volume of Cato's Letters.
  • My Interests:
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